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Baked fish

6 March 2013

2-3 kg of trout or salmon
Lemon juice
50 g of leek
200 g of champignons
200 g of butter cheese
50-75 g cheese with mold
1 tablespoon of oil
Salt, pepper
1. Rub the fish with salt from outside and inside, spring it with lemon juice. Wrap in a food film and place it in the fridge for 1 hour.
2. For stuffing, cut leek by thin rings. Cut champignons by lobules. Preheat oil in a frying pan and fry leek until it softens. Add mushrooms to it and fry 5-7 minutes. Add butter cheese and cheese with mold. Stir until both cheeses melt and the stuffing turns homogeneous. Add some salt and pepper. Add chopped basil.
3. Place the fish on a baking tray laid with a frying paper. Put mushroom stuffing in it. Fix the edges with toothpicks or cover tightly with foil to keep the stuffing from running out. Bake it in the oven at 180oС during 1 hour.