Карта сайта


10 June 2013


Filet of pike-perch or cod –400 g

Bulb onion – 1 pcs,

Vegetable oil – 1 table spoon,

Egg – 1,5 pcs,

Fish broth or water – 1/3 glass,

Pinch of salt.

Preparation Method:

Cut onion finely and fry all over in vegetable oil.

Mince filet or cut it in blander, add egg, salt and fried onion.

Mix up the paste thoroughly and beat it with wooden spatula until you get fluffy homogeneous mass.

Divide the stuffing and form small balls. Dip the balls into beaten egg, quickly fry all over and put them in a pan.

Add fish broth or water to cover the fish-balls and stew for 5-10 minutes.

Serve fish-balls with garnish of mashed potato or puree of green peas.

Bon appйtit!