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Reconstruction of Aquarium Equipment

18 June 2014

“TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” company is not only engaged in engineering developments, production and installing of trading aquarium equipment, but also performs reconstruction and modernization of aquarium complexes, that has already been installed. Any equipment has its limited working lifespan, after which it is necessary to make its capital repair or replacement. Professional aquariums for selling live fish and other hydrobionts, both freshwater and marine, – are reliable and functional systems, which not only provide long storage of live fish, but also are a decoration of trading area or a restaurant. In order to increase the period of functionality and service ability of the entire trading complex, it is necessary to look after the equipment carefully, which task is performed by maintenance support specialists of “TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” Private Enterprise.

               Following the partnership with such companies and their distribution chains as “NOVUS”, “FURSHET”, “AUCHAN”, “AMSTOR” etc., “TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” specialists perform replacement and installation of the additional aquarium equipment, offering and calculating the best variant, revetment with new up-to-date materials, fulfill modernization of the obsolete trading aquariums – counters.