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Dismounting Works in “AMSTOR” Chain Supermarket

18 September 2014

“TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” company continues its successful cooperation with one of the largest distribution chains in Ukraine, uniting shops in different cities of our country. This time, the task, put forth by “AMSTOR TRADE HOUSE” administration, included dismantlement and conservation of the aquarium complex from the supermarket, located at the address 154 Borschahivska Street, Kyiv. The necessity of dismantlement the fish counter was caused by closing of this shop.

Within the framework of performing this task, “TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” specialists carefully dismantled the entire aquarium equipment, previously having cut off water supply and having disconnected the sewage system communications. Decorative revetment was also taken off carefully. After that the aquarium complex was taken to the warehouse for storage. All works were performed as quickly and with such high quality as possible, because such trading equipment is planned to be installed again and used in other supermarket of “AMSTOR” chain.

“TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” employees successfully performed dismounting of all aquarium complex elements and transportation of them to the warehouse. The equipment remained in good technical and operating condition. Later on it will be used again to provide customers with fresh fish.