On August 15th, 2014, “TRADE AQUA SYSTEMS” specialists installed aquarium counters for live fish for “AMSTOR TRADE HOUSE” LLC at the address: 17 Skliarenka Street, Kyiv. “AMSTOR TRADE HOUSE” LLC, managing the corresponding retail chain of supermarkets in six regions of Ukraine, prepares opening of a new supermarket in Ukrainian capital, in Obolonskyi district. The new shop will become the forth one in the city.
REFERENCE. “AMSTOR TRADE HOUSE” was founded in 2003, and is an operator of the corresponding Ukrainian distribution chain and the asset belonging to one of the largest Ukrainian financial and industrial groups “Smart Holding”, Kyiv. “AMSTOR” chain as of June 26th, 2014, united 38 shops of super- and hypermarket formats (over 10 thousand employees) in 13 cities of six regions of the Eastern, Central and Southern Ukraine.